Making Healthy Choices When Eating Out


We all love eating out!  Whether you are celebrating a special occasion, at a social gathering or just to satisfy a craving, go ahead.  There is no need to stop eating out just because you have adopted a healthier lifestyle.  The trick is in the choices you make once you get there.  Here are a few tips to help.

  1. Learn the terms:

Menus appear more exotic when they use preparation terms in another language, but be aware of these and if you are not sure, ask a question.  Here are a few of the more common terms you should get to know:

  Au gratin, scalloped, buttered, creamed and stuffed can indicate foods prepared in cream and butter. These foods are often higher in saturated fat and calories and frequent consumption can sabotage efforts at controlling fat consumption and maintaining a healthy caloric intake.

  Steamed, roasted, broiled, grilled and poached all utilize a dry heat cooking method that is  typically lower in fat. These are the ideal preparation methods to choose when trying to select an entrée preparation method. So go ahead ask for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, broiled fish instead of beer-battered.   

  Au jus, pickled, smoked, cured can  imply high sodium. If you are already on a low sodium diet, these preparation methods should be avoided. Not to mention that you are now probably quite intolerant to the strong flavour of sodium in foods and so this can spoil your overall experience.

  1. Ask Questions: Your waiter is there to help, so ask away.  Ask if you can substitute your side of fries, rice or pasta with other healthier choices. Ask if you can have a fried item baked or grilled instead.   Ask to have your sauces and condiments set aside rather than on the meal so that you control how much you consume.
  2. Drink Water:  Drinking water with the meal makes you less likely to overindulge in the main course as water tends to curb your appetite. Ask your waiter for a slice of fresh lemon or lime to jazz up your water even more!
  3. Sneak Peek: Selecting from a menu can be overwhelming especially when your company is likely to make certain choices you may not consider ideal.  Before you go to a restaurant check out the menu online and select that options that  support your  healthy lifestyle. Planning ahead makes it less likely to select by impulse or be influenced by the others in your party. 
  4. Don’t Desert the Dessert: Use the internet to preview the menu and seek out the healthiest dessert on the menu, and then resist the temptation to look at the dessert menu after you eat your main meal. Look for lower calorie options like non-fat yogurt, sherbet or sorbet or fresh fruit choices and hold the whip cream. Restaurant dessert portions are large so don’t plan on eating an entire order yourself. Instead, share a dessert with the other people in your party.  You may also consider having a cappuccino or cup of flavoured coffee to end your meal. They’re sweet, but contain far less fat and sugar than most desserts.

So for you next eating out invitation, say yes.  Keep these tips in mind but remember that an occasional side of cheesy scalloped potatoes will not totally compromise your diet just don’t let it become a regular addition.  Have a great time and make it a fun experience.


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